It has since remained open without any additional charge. Although 500,000 votes were needed to allow no additional membership fee, Jagex stated that the first six months of Old School RuneScape will not have any additional charge. The poll ended at 00:00 UTC on Friday 1 March 2013 with the final tally of votes at 449,351. The poll, which ended 1 March 2013, decided, among other things, whether an additional membership fee would be charged for access to the game. This version of the game was announced in a news post on 13 February 2013, which was followed by the opening of a poll to determine community interest on 15 February 2013.

Old School RuneScape, also known as OSRS, or 2007scape, is Jagex's official term for a previous version of the RuneScape game that was introduced from a backup of the RuneScape source code as it had been on 10 August 2007. However, for mobile version of the game, see Old School RuneScape Mobile.

prm file inside the newly created folder named 'runescape' or 'beta'. prm file from %USERPROFILE%jagexcachejagexlauncheroldschool

This will append the NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance key to the configuration file with a boolean value of NO.